On April 28, 2016, WFWP-Ukraine held 9th international conference dated to Mother’s Day in Kyiv. The conference went in beautiful concert hall of Kyiv University of Boris Grinchenka. Around 500 people from different parts of the country became the event participants, including representatives of government structures and public organizations, embassies, prominent artists, educators, scientists. Maintaining its international status, the conference gathered guests from USA, Japan, UK, Austria and Belarus.

Prior to the conference, all guest could enjoy the music of the Kyiv military lyceum of Ivan Bogun orchestra, which created wonderful atmosphere of spring and joy.

he conference was opened by the National anthem of Ukraine and WFWP video report.  After that, Kyiv University of Boris Grinchenka vice-rector Mrs. Taisiya Belofastova gave a welcoming word.

Mr. Volodymyr Vovk, vice-head of children’s rights department of the Ministry of social policy, greeted the audience on behalf of the state.

Mrs. Angelika Selle – WFWP-USA president and Mrs Tina Coombs – European WFWP board member – addressed to the audience their wish to unite women’s efforts in promoting moral and family values on a worldwide level.

The keynote speaker, a head of WFWP-Ukraine Mrs. Tatiana Kotseba emphasized in her speech that only strong family, centered on universal values, could be the base for prosperous society.

Traditionally the conference had «Woman of the year» award ceremony, where 10 outstanding women of Ukraine received this award in different nominations.

A mother of Ukrainian pilot hero Nadiya Savchenko, Mrs. Mariya Savchenko, received «Woman- mother of patriot» award. All the audience raised up while she was coming up to the stage. A world legend of gymnastic Mrs. Albina Deriugina became «Woman-coach» nominee. «Woman-public figure» award was received by a head of All-Ukrainian charity foundation on IDP issues, Mrs. Oksana Ermishina. With warm applauds everyone greeted 92-years old Second World War veteran Mrs. Vira Volkova who received «Woman-veteran» award. Outstanding journalist Lyudmila Chechel became «Woman-journalist» nominee. A head of children’s department of Tetiiv regional hospital Mrs. Larysa Prysyazhna became «Woman-doctor». A head of organizational department of children’s art center of Shevchenko region Mrs. Tamara Kotelya received «Woman-teacher» award. «Woman-mother of many children» award was given to a mother of four wonderful sons, IDP from Donetsk, Mrs. Lubov Ageeva. «Woman-artist» award was given to Ukrainian poet Mrs. Nina Shavarska and to singer and public figure Mrs. Lyudmila Salyuta.

The award ceremonies and speeches alternated with beautiful musical performances presented by Ukrainian singer Svitlana Vesna, musical group «Kozatski zabavy» («Cossack fun») and children’s dancing group «Kyinski barvy» («Kyiv colors»). As a pleasant surprise for everyone, the event had a lottery in the end.

The conference also included awarding winners of annual children’s literature competition «My mother is the best». A student of 3rd form of Kozelets gymnasium №1 Andriy Gorbach, a student of 11th form of Korolivsk school Iryna Mykhailenko and a student of 10th form of Kyiv school № 96 Karolina Shnurova became the contest winners.

We wish Happy Mother’s Day, health, goodness and peace to everyone!